Song of Torrance

Red and gold lantana blooms Crab grass prickles bare feet Avocado tree and hazy purple hills - Vista from the hot tub Water warmed by parabolic mirror One of many inventions - Ideas, plans, musings Gadget bursting garage Dreams half-formed, many yet to come - Fragrant cedar chips Dancing branches of eucalyptus shadows Strawberry haven for the grandkids - Cousins, aunties, siblings, clan Catalina Island, saltwater…


Memory – A bit of an obsession…

Friends who are familiar with my writing know that some themes tend to come up again and again in my stories. Two such themes are family and memory. I decided to dig around on the topic of why I find human memory so fascinating in this blog post that appeared in Analog's blog, The Astounding Analog Companion. It was published as a companion piece to my…


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