Later Drafts: Writing From Memory

How many times, when setting out to edit/revise a piece of writing have you lost yourself in your own prose, enjoying the story once again as a reader, rather than an editor? It happens all the time to me. True, it's an excellent sign if you're able to captivate yourself, and there will be moments when you know a scene is sizzling because your heart races every time you…


Three, Two, One…Launch!

Book Launch. Def. a very personal and monumental event in which a writer gets something of his/her own published and then invites everyone he/she knows to commemorate the occasion.  I attended the book launch for the novel Blood, by Jack Remick last week.  Jack is among the horde of writers who gather together at a cafe in Seattle to write and share their creations, fresh off the page. He invited me…


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