It doesn’t always look like success

It was a summer evening on Whidbey Island a couple of years ago. We were on a relaxing family beach vacation, and I was breaking down in tears. My sister had just shown us a video of an amazing scarf acrobatics dance routine that she had choreographed to the song Thunder by Imagine Dragons. It was stunning and beautiful and powerful and after watching it, I…


The Most Dangerous Game

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” -Theodore Roosevelt Can you imagine having a child you love, and constantly comparing that little, fragile soul to the frightening, and competitive world around her? I’m not a mother, but seriously, that sounds heartlessly cruel. And yet, this is what comparison does to my heart (the child) every time I rank myself against someone else. I have friends who are…


Friday Five

This week was a quiet one for me!  Lots of work, a little more sleep due to lowered spirits, but I think I'm making a comeback.  Here's a glimpse: When you receive a compliment, it's better to write it down and treasure it, in case a busy schedule pushes it out of your mind, and then the kind word was wasted. Learning to not compare myself…


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